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  • Writer's pictureTiff Chasing Bliss

The Epiphany

There's no shortcut to anyplace worth going." -Beverly Sills

I've always been interested in learning about how the Law of Attraction really works because who doesn't want the best version of their life to materialise out of seemingly nowhere? I've spent a lot of time over the years searching for answers and admittedly looking for quick fixes with little success.

Until now.

It was exactly one week from today when I came across a documentary called HEAL. I was immediately taken in by it and literally watched it on the edge of my seat. Then suddenly, I was on my feet. I had that moment of clarity that I've been searching for for years. In fact, there were multiple moments of "that's it!", and "now I get it!".

I was so charged after watching the film that I couldn't sleep. I stayed up until well after 3am just taking notes, putting a plan of action together and getting myself prepared for a wonderful journey.

The next day I was just as excited even though I had only slept for about 2 hours. But I continued to work on how I wanted to proceed with this new information and how I could go about implementing it in my life immediately. I knew the clock was ticking because my life is in turmoil at the moment, and I knew that I needed to do as much as I could while my energy was up and the motivation was there.

Even with the knowledge that I had gleaned, reality is that I still have a lot of work to do in order to get to the point where I am not operating in fear. I was right. Within a few days I found myself fighting off feelings of anxiety and depression again. I am facing another challenge where I currently have a bank balance of zero, a family to feed and a car payment to come up with. So I think it's safe to say that I need to sort out a few things immediately in order to move forward without anxiety inducing situations distracting me from the task at hand.

I'm sharing this with you because I know that I am not alone here. Life has it's challenges and what good can I possibly do if I only share one side of my life and exclude the side that will prove that I am facing the same problems that others are. I want people to witness how I get myself out of the mess I'm in now and move into the life that I truly want, and deserve.

What's Next?

Something I realised that I tend to live in 2 modes of anxiety.

Anxious Paralysis

I am so overwhelmed by my circumstances and decisions I need to make that I tend to zone out. It's almost as if I'm trying to protect myself. When I'm in the mode I do very little of anything. I am physically drained and find it difficult to do even the simplest of things, like making my bed. I avoid my phone and I avoid people at all costs.

Anxious Action.

This is when "time is up" so to speak. Take action or face consequences. First I go into panic mode and pace around with no apparent direction or meaning. I pray, I pace. I pray, I pace. Then I'll sit, breath and think. Breath, think. Breath, think. Take action. Usually it's the kind of action that only puts off or delays the consequence but it gives me more time to process what I need to do.

It's obvious that neither state is useful and both are equally damaging. So what do I do now? This is not going to an overnight fix and that's perfectly okay, but I do have the will to change and the desire to help others change too.

I'm genuinely fed up with being a burden instead of a blessing and I want to redirect the course right now. So here I am, using the resources available to me and getting things started. I have a plan and I have an internet connection. Most importantly, I have breath in my lungs!

See my next post to find out which experts I've been following and learning from and take a look at my Plan of Action to see what else I have planned.

We are not victims of anything other than the programs we are operating from. Change the programs you are operating from. If your subconscious programs match the wishes and desires of the conscious mind, your life will be one continuous honeymoon experience (The Honeymoon Effect) for as long as you live on this planet. - Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. (Read full blog post here.)

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